
Settlement issue delays water storage project

According to findings of the PMIC, failure to fill the reservoir to its increased capacity is causing a loss of Rs18 billion. — File Photo

ISLAMABAD: Although the Mangla dam raising project was completed three years ago at a cost of Rs105 billion, authorities have not been able to use it to add to the water storage capacity because the issue of settling the affecting persons, has not been resolved.

According to findings of the Prime Minister`s Inspection Commission (PMIC) after a detailed study, failure to fill the reservoir to its increased capacity is causing a loss of Rs18 billion in terms of agricultural and energy productions.

The dam`s height has been raised to 1,230 feet from 1,210 feet.

Talking to Dawn, Malik Amjad Ali Noon, chairman of PMIC, said it was unfortunate that Mangla dam which could store more water because of the completion of the project to raise the dam height but it could not be done.

"Even if the resettlement of the affected villages starts tomorrow, it will take six to seven months which means we are definitely losing yet another high rainy season which is due in two months," Mr Noon said.

Moreover, he said that unlike other dams, Mangla location was such that it started receiving water quite early.

He said the commission had strongly recommended to the prime minister to resolve the settlement issue as soon as possible because it was causing heavy losses to the ministry of water and power and Wapda.

Mr Noon said it was a matter of great concern for the government that after so much money had been spent on the project, the country was not able to make use of it.

A limited number of affected people, he said, were complaining about non-payment and it was not difficult to resolve the matter.

The dam raising project, taken in hand at an estimated cost of Rs53 billion in 2003, was completed in 2008 at a cost of about Rs105 billion about 98 per cent cost escalation. The project envisaged an addition of about 3.10 million acre feet (MAF) to its storage capacity of 4.5 MAF to about 7.6 MAF. But because of non-resolution of the resettlement issues the displaced persons have resisted the reservoir`s filing.

Upraising of the dam was a major project in Wapda`s Vision 2025 Programme for Water Resources and Hydropower Development and was approved by the Musharraf government.

The 11,000 feet long and 454 feet high Mangla dam was constructed in 1967 on the Jhelum River as a part of Indus Basin Project.

Its 100 kilometres-long water reservoir had a storage capacity of 5.8 MAF which was reduced to 4.5 MAF by silting.

The dam envisaged resettlement of about 50,000 people, but it was yet to be completed.

The issue of compensation has also not been finally resolved.

Mr Noon said the commission was also looking into three canals Katchi canal Rainee canal and Greater Thal canal which had been completed but remained unutilised.

The three canals on the Indus zone were also constructed during the Musharraf government.

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